Bonjour, bonjour, I’m Maël, a designer & front-end developer with a love for 3D.  I’m currently working at También studio and as a freelancer to create beautiful experiences and websites




I’m Maël Ruffini, a passionate designer and front-end developer. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of web development, I bring ideas to life through visually stunning and user-friendly websites.

Portrait of a man

Bonjour, bonjour

I am grateful to be a part of También Studio, a dynamic and innovative design studio where I work as a designer and front-end developer. Collaborating with a talented team, we create digital experiences with precision and care

Pictures of the También studio team

Working at también

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Made with También

Rose island

Experience the captivating tale of Giorgio Rosa, an Italian engineer who defies boundaries in the Netflix movie "Rose Island." Witness as he constructs a remarkable platform beyond the waters of Italy, boldly declaring it an independent nation.


3D Designer





Site of the day

Maël Ruffini

I’m Maël Ruffini, a passionate designer and front-end developer. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of web development, I bring ideas to life through visually stunning and user-friendly websites.

(Visit on desktop for a full portfolio)